Your comments and emails have been absolutely amazing. It’s clear that this has really touched a nerve with so many people. I’ve so enjoyed sharing this information with you and am touched by some of the transformations that people are beginning to experience.
I know from my own experience in breaking through my own limiting beliefs around money that it is so much better to face up to and resolve those issues sooner rather than later. I know the challenges you face, because I’ve faced them too. In fact, it was through those experiences that I developed the secrets I’ve been teaching you. (And I can’t wait to share even more with you.)
I will personally guide you through the process to resolve your deeply rooted, inaccurate beliefs about money, your value, and demonstrate to you how you deserve to succeed. I will give you the tangible tools you need to get you to the next level in your income while working fewer hours, and having a happier, more balanced life.
I designed this program to address the issues I’ve seen over and over again as I have helped hundreds of clients in my debt-free coaching business. This 6 week Bootcamp can change your life! If you want to permanently change your financial destiny, you must consciously change your money beliefs.
Next – is a recording of my free call. On this call I did a brief overview of our upcoming bootcamp, to tell you what to expect, and you’ll also have a chance to ask me your questions in real time. You don’t want to miss this call!
“Can I Really Be Paid That Much?” This 6-week Bootcamp covers:
Week 1 – You Come First
- Demonstrating respect for yourself
- Taking care of yourself first isn’t selfish
- Go ahead & rock the boat
- Basement people vs. balcony people
Week 2 – Creating Your Millionaire Mindset
- Demonstrating respect for money
- Money beliefs that keep you poor vs. millionaire money beliefs
- Rewiring your money beliefs for success
- Your financial set point
Week 3 – Expressing Your Values
- Forgive yourself for past money mistakes
- Live in line with your real values
- How are you repelling money?
- Having integrity with yourself
Week 4 – Getting Out of Your Own Way
- How to stop playing small & get out of your own way
- Are your money beliefs causing your pain?
- Avoiding overwhelm
- Millionaire habits
- What’s your formula for success?
Week 5 – Goals & Support Systems
- Values vs. goals
- Chaotic vibration
- Your fantastic life
- Your support network
Week 6 – Your Soul’s Work
- What fills your soul?
- Love what you do
- Expressing your values in your work
- Getting your needs met for the rest of your life
I’ve structured the classes so that they fit neatly into the workday because they are held around lunchtime and are about 45 minutes of content followed by 10-15 minutes for question and answers.
It’s ok if you need to jump off at any point – each session will be recorded and afterward I’ll send you a link to the re-play.
Your investment is backed by a 100% money back guarantee: If you’re not satisfied with the value you received from the Bootcamp, contact me within a month of the end date of the series & I will refund your purchase price in full.
Not sure if this is really something you need? In the recording you’ll get a taste for what the classes will be like.
Still not sure this is right for you? Feel free to post a question to my blog or on social media and I’ll be happy to answer your question.
Are there additional topics you’d like me to cover during the series? Any feedback you’d like to give me? Please let me know your thoughts by posting to my blog or on social media.
Click here to download the free recording.
Tags: Charge what you’re worth, financial success, Get out of your own way, money beliefs, Play a bigger game, Realize your dreams, Stop playing small, Stop self-sabotage
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